Why I swapped alcohol for cannabis infused beverages
Let me begin by addressing the elephant in the room. Why bother quit drinking alcohol and still consume cannabis? Is it not trading one habit for another?
In short, yes. I have a lot of reasons too. First off, I’m a cannabis smoker. It is my outlet, my vice and my medicine. How many people can say that about alcohol? While alcohol may give you liquid courage, it hinders a lot of your senses. Cannabis on the other hand, enhances the senses, of smell, taste, touch and a spiritual connection.
In the Rastafarian culture, ganja is revered as a tool to uplift the consciousness to connect to spirituality. “Ganja is considered the “wisdom weed” by Rastafarians, as its use helps one to gain wisdom. Rastafarians use it as a part of a religious rite and as a means of getting closer to their inner spiritual self, Jah (God) and Creation. Ganja is also seen by Rastafarians as the herb of life mentioned in the Bible.” (Jamaicans.com)

During a ceremony, ganja is smoked in the Chalice, a large pipe, or in my experience they made it from a coconut and it had a hose, similar to a bong. My first time smoking from a chalice was in Jamaica. The first thing I had to do before smoking the chalice, was wrap my hair up, which gave me a queen-like appearance or in my case, I felt like Gwen Stefani. Traditionally, as a woman, you wrap your hair to show respect and to preserve the spiritual connection to Jah.
Cannabis Infused Beverages
Now that cannabis is legal there a lot of options for cannabis beverages on the market. I have tried several, and most don’t make the cut for what I consider enjoyable. However, I have found a favourite among the sparkling waters.

With only 35 calories, the Sparkling Dark Cherry by Little Victory taste great and is a bit comparable to Mikes Hard Black Cherry but less sweet. A balanced dosage of 2.5 mg of THC and 2.5 mg of CBD gives you an optimal buzz, similar to drinking a pint. It’s available for $5.95 a bottle at the OCS.
I’ve tried the other flavours by Little Victory, like the sparkling blood orange, but the dark cherry is by far the best tasting!
Why I Quit Drinking
Why I quit drinking alcohol is another matter entirely. It started as a means to change my life for the better, when there weren’t many options left.
I wanted to physically improve my physique as I’ve taken getting into shape quite seriously since November 2019 and alcohol was hindering my progress. I had hit a wall in my training and it was one of my viable options to enhance my stamina.
After the second lockdown I felt like I might as well quit drinking if I’m not going to be out socializing anymore. Thanksgiving in October of 2020 was when I had my last drink.
The other aspect of my life is that I have a toddler and I don’t think you’ve experienced true hangover hell until you’ve had one while caring for a toddler. Believe me, it’s not fun.
Now that staying in is the new going out, it does make sense that alcohol has lost its allure. If you live in Ontario like me, you’re probably ready to lose your mind. Drinking alcohol is a convenient way to forget your troubles and cope with the reality of the lockdown situation.
I’m approaching this lockdown like a prisoner in jail. Devoting my time to getting in shape and gaining knowledge, so that when I get “bail” I will be a physically stronger and wiser person.
I want this lockdown to mean something, to not be a frivalous waste of time in the grandeur of my life. I want to come out fit and strong, with new hobbies that I’ve acquired and knowledge gained from reading up on my interests.
That being said, for three months I felt like crap.
As someone who considers themselves a casual drinker, I was shocked how long the withdrawal period was. The first month, I was tired and irritable. It wasn’t until after three months that I began to feel good and energized.
Throughout the pandemic, a lot of people are drinking more, which can have debilitating effects on mental health. Everyone knows alcohol is a depressant, and honestly I feel happier since I quit drinking.
Apart from that, I was drinking and overeating during the first lockdown of the pandemic and like many people, gained some weight. As a way to reach my fitness goals, I felt booze had to go. On Instagram, Jillian Michaels advocates for reaching fitness goals and that quitting alcohol is a must if you want a six pack. Okay Jillian, I’m listening . . .
Leading A Healthy Lifestyle
Quitting drinking is essentially a lifestyle change. I have reworked the way that I function in my life. To blow off stress, I embrace movement, whether it’s working out, rollerskating or dancing. I used to “blow off” stress or more aptly described as, drowning my sorrows, in a wine glass. Overall I feel much better since I quit drinking. I feel more inspired and energetic. How could I trade that in for a night out? My peace of mind is worth more.
Not only that, but I have a newfound understanding of myself. I feel like drinking was clouding my vision of what I wanted for my life. I was living day-to-day, anxiously looking forward to Friday when I could finally have a few drinks. Now I feel like I live in the moment, not longing for a future cocktail hour. I do things that I like to do more often now because I have the energy. I’m more playful and I get to enjoy the time with my son, without a hangover brooding over my shoulder. It’s only been six months but I feel like it’s been a lifetime already and I don’t want to go back to how I felt when I was drinking.
I had a dream last night that I had slipped back into my old habits, going to parties, drinking and smoking Belmonts, amidst a crowded patio. It wasn’t long ago that I was that person. I’m not saying that the lockdowns have been good for me, but it has allowed me to put my life choices and habits in perspective.
Drinking To Fit In
In high school, we are peer pressured to get intoxicated like it’s a rite of passage. Then you hit legal drinking age and the war path of self-destruction and alcoholism continues. I drank for over a decade without even considering life without it.
Everything in our society points to alcohol consumption. If you want to celebrate, grab some drinks. When you go out, grab some drinks. If you are sad, drown your sorrows in some alcohol. Sports? Grab some pints. Birthday? Celebrate with cocktails. New Years? Champagne. St Patricks Day? That’s a holiday incomplete without alcohol. Easter? Better get a nice bottle of wine. Long Weekend? Get the cooler. It’s Friday, time to grab a few bevies.
When is there an occasion not worth drinking for?
The New (And Improved) Me
After I quit drinking it took my friends and family a little while to adjust to the new me. I would always be the first to whip up a round of mango margaritas or show up at a party with a bottle of nice French Bordeaux. My mini fridge is normally stocked with an assortment of craft beers.
Now that I’ve quit for a full six months I can honestly see a difference, not just psychologically, but physically in my appearance. I’ve lost weight, my skin is clear, my beer belly is almost completely gone and so is my double chin and I have muscle tone. I actually feel like myself again.
If nothing more than my own social experiment, it’s something that is actually within my control. Nowadays it’s hard to find much that is. I encourage you to think about something that you can change in your own life, maybe it’s giving up junk food or coffee. It doesn’t have to be huge but I guarentee that it will have a ripple effect in your life.
I’m not saying that I’m going to quit alcohol forever, but as long as we’re in lockdown, so is the bar cart. I’ll be drinking a cannabis infused beverage instead. Cheers!